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Center for Eastern European Studies

Call for Applications Fall 2025

 Download Call for Applications Spring 2025 (PDF, 703 KB)


For the spring semester of 2025, the Center for Eastern European Studies (CEES) at the University of Zurich offers 3-4 residential fellowships to highly talented and innovative young or mid-career scholars from the field of social sciences or humanities with a research focus on historical or contemporary topics related to Russia, Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, or Central Asia. The scholarship is for a period of up to four months starting in mid-February 2025 (spring semester).

While we welcome research proposals on all topics related to the study of Eastern Europe and post-Soviet Eurasia, for the spring semester 2025 fellowship program, we are particularly interested in applications from scholars with an interest in geopolitical trends, economic connectivity and/or transnational social and/or cultural issues related to the South Caucasus region.


About the Fellowship

The CEES Fellowship Program is typically set up as a four-months (one semester) residential fellowship at the University of Zurich. During this period, the CEES Fellow is expected to pursue her or his independent research in residency and to participate actively in the scholarly activities of the CEES. The Fellow will have access to the relevant libraries and the interdisciplinary community of experts associated with the CEES. The Fellow will hold a lecture, seminar or workshop on his or her research topic. The Fellow is also expected to publish her or his findings in one of the CEES publication outlets.

Funding package includes a stipend for living expenses during the period of stay of up to four months, health insurance, and visa support. In addition to library access, the Fellow may use a workspace in one of the central buildings of the UZH. Please note that eligibility is limited to applicants currently enrolled or employed at their home university or another academic institution.



The deadline of application October 15, 2024. By this date, a complete application should be sent to the CEES, consisting of the following materials:

  • A letter of motivation
  • A research proposal (3-5 pages)
  • A curriculum vitae (including a list of publications)
  • A short writing sample (article or book chapter length in English)
  • A short proposal for a public lecture and/or workshop to be held at CEES
  • Two letters of recommendation or names of two referees

All materials listed above should be written in English and sent in the form of a single PDF document

See for further information at: